Are you already feeling the summer vibes? Join IFMA Belgium’s summer event on 19/06/24 - (archived)

PROCOS Group News


PROCOS Group has been a loyal partner of IFMA Belgium since the beginning. Join us for their summer event on 19/06/24!

Registration: 19/06/2024 - IFMA Summer Vibes 3rd Edition (

After the success from last year IFMA Belgium is organizing the third edition of ‘IFMA Summervibes’, a fun event with networking opportunities, a BBQ, drinks and music. The perfect time for one last FM get-together before summer vacation kicks in!

IFMA is pleased to introduce Elke Sockeel as their keynote speaker. Elke is a coach and consultant specializing in strategic branding, storytelling, and influencer marketing. Her approach is practical, hands-on, and tailored to finding solutions.

During her keynote speech, ‘Your Building as USP,’ Elke will delve into the integration of facility management into employer branding strategies and share insights on leveraging social media to showcase your workplace.

This is an invaluable opportunity not to be missed! Will we see you there?

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