PROCOS Group participates in the workshop in Bxl on the COST Action CA18214 ‘The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery’

PROCOS Group News


The COST Action CA18214 ‘The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery’ is a EU-funded project aiming to produce and share state-of-the-art knowledge and engage with different stakeholders interested on the topic of new working spaces.

The objective of the Action is threefold:

  • developing a comparative perspectiveof the scientific outcomes on ‘New Working Spaces’ including collaborative and creative working spaces, makerspaces, as well as coffee shops and libraries;
  • comparing the best practices and direct and indirectimpacts with a particular focus on the periphery;
  • sharing the policy tools across Europe and beyond in order to provide recommendations with particular attention to peripheral areas.

More info on the website: New Working Spaces – CA18214 (

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