We participated in the Global Executive Summit from World Federation of Building Service Contractors – WFBSC. - (archived)

PROCOS Group News


We participated in the Global Executive Summit from World Federation of Building Service Contractors - WFBSC.
Our colleague Tom Ryckaert gave the closing keynote about "Game changers: Innovations driving facility service excellence". Technology and emerging trends like AI, metaverse and cybersecurity were on the agenda. Followed by an interactive panel discussion with our Managing Director, Jos Duchamps and Marco Cardinale (Kärcher), Thomas Caspersen Nielsen (Disruptive Technologies) and Dr. Phil Meinert (ISS A/S)
It's all about sharing insights and experience to our FM community!

#GES24 #WFBSC #facilitymanagement #serviceproviders #innovation 
#technology #ai #metaverse #datamanagement

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