CM – Hasselt (BE)

PROCOS Group Soul, Space Planning, Projects, Space

CASECMAttention to every detail of the new experience.CM Headquarters Limburg – HasseltThe ‘National Alliance of Christian Mutualities’, or CM for short, is primarily known as …

Sabam – Brussel (BE)

PROCOS Group Soul, Projects, Space

CASESabamHARMONISING SOUL AND SPACECrafting meaningful connection for SabamSabam, the Belgian Association of Authors, Composers and Publishers, planned to move from their 10,000m², Brussels-based headquarters into …

Mediahuis (BE)

PROCOS Group Soul, Projects, Space

CASEMediahuisFROM RESISTANCE TO ACCEPTANCEFacilitating Mediahuis’ transition to hybrid workingFor fifteen years now, we’ve had the privilege of working with Mediahuis, the international media group behind …